Seat belts significantly reduce your chances of being killed or seriously injured in a crash on the roads.
Despite the facts and the figures, the message is not getting through to everyone. Young men are particularly unlikely to wear a seat belt, and there is a link between failing to wear a seat belt and other risky behaviour including drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
There are still common myths about seat belt use, but they are easily busted by the facts.
Crashes happen anywhere, and most commonly close to home because that’s where you drive most often. Even at low speed, a crash can result in serious injury or death.
Air bags are designed to work with seat belts not instead of them. In a crash, the seatbelt slows the speed of the occupant and positions them so they impact safely with the airbag.
A seat belt helps keeps you inside the car if you crash, being thrown out of a vehicle significantly increases your chances of being fatally injured
To be effective, seat belts need to be worn correctly and in good condition.