Book an Online Facilitator Training Session

We conduct regular online training for all RYDA sessions. The live training sessions run for about 1.5 hours and are hosted by and RSE trainer who was both involved in the development of the content and experienced in delivering it.

The sessions cover the key elements of the content but also provide great tips for effective delivery and information on the science behind the content.

If you would like to book into a session, follow the relevant link below, pick your session, find a date that suits and register to attend. It’s that easy.

These links take you to the GoToTraining website.

Australian facilitators (with exception of some venues – see below)
All New Zealand facilitators


There is an option available for Australian regional venues to deliver an adjusted version of the Mind Matters session – replacing the role-play with the video, “Remembering Genevieve”. Check with your Program Coordinator which version of Mind Matters you’ll be doing. Sign up with the link above if it’s the role-play, or use the link below for the video)

Regional Australian Facilitators